Sunday, 15 June 2008

Returning from the void

Can't believe how quickly the sands of time flow these days; my thoughts here being inspired by three friends from the past having got in touch recently, and the realisation that apart from being a few pounds (OK, stones) above my healthy body weight, I now have three adults for children.
NB: 'Adults For Children' is not to be taken out of context here. The phrase has a slightly seedy connotation, and conjures images of rooms full of depraved men holding shadowy, furtive meetings, which is most definitely not what I wished to convey to my readership. Nor do I ever wish to see the day that this phrase becomes emblazoned on a placard.
No- I merely- in a clumsy way I admit- wished to share that my children, fine people all, now have the power to vote, drive and legally drink in pubs. Of course, being a responsible father, I have strongly discouraged them from doing all three at once.
I feel dreadfully guilty that it has taken me around seven months to respond to David's comments (under the Gypsy Jazz heading), and realise now that this thing called blogging carries with it certain responsibilities.
Courtesy toward those who have taken the time and effort to read and actively respond to my musings / ramblings being paramount.
I will do my best to keep regular checks / entries going. Apologies to David.
I have actually been keeping a kind of blog going- in my Moleskine, which I use when I'm sitting outside breathing the freshest air one can expect in the Fitzrovia / Regents Park area of London. It helps to declutter my mind. The downside? Reading back through it and realising how much I don't remember.
Gingko Biloba may be the answer. If only I can remember to take it...

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