Saturday, 4 July 2009

HAMmerSmithToEdgwareRoad Line

As you will most probably be aware, the Circle line changes shape in December 2009.
The Circle line does not actually describe a circle, of course.
A better nomenclature might be 'Circuit', although as no motorised vehicles actually race around the Circle line (as those who use it may (or may not) appreciate), this was obviously not deemed a viable designation.
Now, before I start running around in circles (I've used enough for the Olympic logo already), I'd like to put forward my suggested informal name for the 'new' line- the official informal name being 'The Teacup', as the shape is vaguely reminiscent of a cup with a handle.
Equally though, it could be said to look like a diagram of a bottle being thrown- which action does occur on the Underground occasionally.
It must be said however that 'The Thrown Bottle' conjures up a less user-friendly image than 'The Teacup', so it's probably best we nip that one in the bud now...
By combining name elements (a valid course of action, historically; e.g., the Baker Street and Waterloo Railway having given rise to the Bakerloo line), I propose the following:
The new Circle line will run from Hammersmith to Edgware Road and back.
The HAMmerSmith To Edgware Road line = The HAMSTER line.
OK, it's a hamster with an unusually long tail, but you heard it here first.
I wonder if Richard Hammond knows about it..?
P.S. If you're wondering why they're changing the Circle line in the first place, as well as the official explanation, one boffin has seemingly worked out the maths.

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